Escaping work and the "spring" weather in Idaho, I headed to sunny Florida last week for a visit to see my sister, my best friends, and my new baby niece. Running errands with my mom, eating dinners with my dad, laughing with my sister, and loving on my friends made the week slip by before I had time to really appreciate it. I didn’t realize how much I missed the warm heavy southern air, the sound of the locusts at dusk and afternoons sitting in the pool.
Two days before I arrived, sweet 6 pound 10 ounce Molly Caroline Magee was born. I was fortunate to spend a lot of time with Molly and Julia; and now Julia recognizes me as “Aunt Moogs” and calls me "moo". Baby Molly slept most of the time I visited and I loved watching her precious expressions and listening to her short, quiet breaths as she slept. She is so fresh and perfect. It will be a long 6 months until I see them again.

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