Saturday, June 23, 2012

Henry's Fork Day 2012

Ranking as one of our most fun excursions since moving west, 
Bucky and I are still recovering from our amazing trip to the Henry's Fork last weekend. 

After taking Friday off of work to fish the lower Henry's, 
we met up and camped with a friend and his fiance Bucky 
had met through an online bamboo rod forum.  
(yes, my husband meets friends on the internet and yes, I packed bear spray). 

Reading Bossypants drinking a Belgo

New nerd socks and wading shoes,
"I don't care, they keep the rocks out"

It was not long after meeting Gary and Lo that I hoped our trip to 
Island Park for Henry's Fork Day would become and annual tradition. 
We camped near a cliff overlooking Box Canyon and stayed 
up late fireside discussing music, moose attacks, and antique ring settings. 

Apparently, "there is NO guarantee of your safety while hiking or camping in bear country", 
but the view of Box Canyon is worth the risk.

Our camp side overlook

Bear Friendly
Watching a Harrop fly tying demo

Saturday was beautiful as we walked the ranch, stopping to look for risers. 
I had my second Henry's Fork trout eat my fly (Buck reports this is one of the most technical fly fishing spots in the world, maybe just to salvage my ego) but I was too surprised to set the hook.

Sunday was windy but the wind kept us guarded as we cast to rising fish
during a plentiful PMD hatch

Henry's Fork Rainbow

The bamboo rod gathering was held at the Harriman Ranch where we were fortunate to meet one of the guest speakers who we both look up to for his environmentalist work and his contribution of the R4 to my winter wardrobe  (possibly the only reason I am able to manage the cold) 
Owner of Patagonia, Mr. Yvon Choiunard  

After casting a variety of bamboo rods, Bucky started making his Christmas list...
 and I proposed we start playing the lottery.

The weekend was a success and even though we did not get the best sleep 
(one morning Buck rolled over and said "Now I know what you will look like when you're 50), 
it was well worth the years we aged as we have already planned to return next year. 

Our friend Gary shared these beautiful photos from the weekend; the sunsets here are amazing:

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