Even though we have seen little change in the temps here in Pokey, we are confident this is the final stretch of winter (the more confidence instilled in this belief the more likely it will come true, right?) and spring will be in full swing when we return from Mexico in two weeks.
This weekend Buck and I were introduced to a new trail outside of town called "Mink Creek". It was beautiful. Pine and Spruce trees with snow heavy limbs, a crisp blue sky, and so much sunlight reflecting off the snow to warm us as we hiked. It was a peaceful Sunday.
We went with a friend who cross country skied while we walked. The uphill incline did not slow him or Otis down. I wish we could say the same for me and Buck

Awkward Otis

At the top, we decided to put a take-out call into Papa John's. "Supreme pizza with extra garlic sauce, please."
Wading through thigh high snow...
The snow monster attacks
Buck is defeated
Home to a cuddly pup who had just returned from a play date with our 8 year neighbor
Buck to the cave to tie flies
and me with the pig to work on homework
But, when she is not in my lap she is in her tree house
or peeking out
Tired Totes
(Also, we realize this blog has become more of a "Postcards of Puppies". My apologies. Will hopefully have lots to report when we return from the Mayan Riviera)
Brett prefers the puppies!