Last Friday morning we flew to Mexico for our honeymoon, a well deserved break from our jobs, the cold, and Pokey. As my family knows, I don't have the best record when it comes to making wise decisions when traveling (falling asleep at the gate in Germany and missing my flight to meet my family in Italy, or agreeing to ride with a stranger I met in France who said he would take me to the closest train stop to meet my sister). Bucky was well warned of this imperfection of mine, but unfortunately it seems we fell into some foreseeable traps on our honeymoon despite the warnings. It was an interesting trip that had a few logistical obstacles, but all was redeemed by the 9 days we had just with each other.
We flew into Cancun where we rented a car and headed to Puerto Morelos, a small fishing town north of Playa Del Carmen. When we rented our car, a man behind one of the counters (who was not affiliated with Hertz) offered to give us directions. This would lead to our first mistake which could have simply been avoided by believing "there is no such thing as a free lunch". Our new friend gave us directions, maps, and restaurant recommendations. He even offered us a free brunch the following day at a nearby hotel that was trying to "get off on it's feet". What a deal! He said we just had to give him 10 dollars to reserve our spot and that this "hotel" would provide us lunch and mimosas and then we could be on our way. He also said we would be reimbursed for our car rental as well. Too good to be true? of course. Did we believe him? yep.
And Dad, I know you are reading this and muttering "Honest to goodness, Molly". My apologies, all I can say is "Whoops?"
But, our friend did direct us to a delicious first meal. A tiny ocean side restaurant in Puerto Morelos with plastic chairs and Dos Equis tablecloths. While waiting for our food, we walked up the dune where the moon was one night away from being the largest moon of the year. It light the waves and we had our first sight of the ocean. The wind was strong and kept us cool while we happily ate homemade guacamole, pulled sting ray, octopus ceviche, and fresh spiny tailed grilled lobster. This was the beginning of the best 9 days of eating we have ever had.

Saturday we woke up and relaxed around our hotel before heading to our "free brunch"

Morning coffee and pastries out on the porch


This dock cabana had a morning yoga class, maybe next time I will be up early enough to join

The first of many Speedo sightings. Buck saw this fellow from 100 yards away and predicted he had a gold chain necklace. To our surprise, he not only had a gold chain necklace, but a gold chain bracelet and watch to match. Really the only way to accessorize when wearing a Speedo
As far as our "free brunch" at the new "hotel", we knew something was not right when we pulled into the monstrosity that is called The Grand Mayan. The "hotel" boasted of one of the longest pools in South America, which just didn't understand how that could be so impressive with the Gulf of Mexico out the back door that boasts of the second largest coral reef in the world. We were told that Cluadio (our sales rep) would give us a brief 90 minute presentation on the "hotel" and then we would be given our reimbursement. Come to find out, The Grand Mayan was not a hotel but a condo complex and Claudio was under an extreme amount of pressure to sell us a condo. We let him know from the beginning that we were just there for brunch and had no interest in buying a condo. As the hours passed, the sales pitch progressed and at times we were uncomfortably honest, telling Claudio there was no way we would put any money down on a condo at any time. Finally, after 3 hours we reached a breaking point, and Bucky told Claudio he actually went to school to learn how to sue corporations like the Grand Mayan because he believed this land should be preserved and not replaced with Jack Nicklaus golf courses and 9 acre pools. At that point, Claudio called in the big guns, waving down his manager who resembled Tony Soprano. "Tony" began with sap story of a family who had to foreclose on a condo but now that property was available for a "remarkable rate" and he was willing to give us the opportunity cash in on this "once in a lifetime offer"... We were not being heard... And that was the tipping point. No more Miss Manners. My heart fluttered with anger. Our first day of our honeymoon had been wasted on this scam. I stared at "Tony" and explicitly explained our intentions. "Tony" looked like he wanted to give me a pair of cement shoes and take me for a swim in the ocean (a nightmare I had the next night, actually). But, it did come to an end and we were eventually out the door with our coupons in hand, feeling defeated as our first day of our honeymoon came to an end.
We weren't able to laugh it off then, but I think we are getting there. Next, we headed to Tulum where our "honeymoon suite" awaited and massages, fishing trips, and relaxation were the only things on our agenda. .