Monday, December 24, 2012

Winter Happenings

We have enjoyed a nice change of pace with a lull in our weekend travels. 
Staying home reading, tying flies, and snuggling with the pups has helped stretch out our weekends. 
But, a few weeks ago we braved the cold and the wind to fish below the American Falls damn and had some luck stripping streamers.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Closing Day

Buck and I spent our last fishing weekend of the year in Last Chance, Idaho. 
Overcast, cold, and quiet; the weather was beautiful.

Even though no fish were caught, the scenery redeemed the weekend.

Home again

Last month Buck and I traveled south to have a quick visit with friends and family. 
My sweet nieces could not be any more lovable.  

I especially loved being home for a Halloween party and Fl/Ga tailgating with friends

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Streamerfest 2012

This past weekend marked the first annual Streamerfest in Pocatello. 
Buck invited fishing friends from Tahoe, Vail, Park City, West Yellowstone, and Butte to spend long days on the water stripping streamers in an effort to catch trout
 that were packing on pounds for a winter. 
Saturday's conditions turned out to be perfect and 
many 20+ inch trout were caught and the day was finished with a majestic sunset. 
Celebrations followed with wings, brews, bowling, and karaoke.

 Baby brown on the Snake

 Otis, Bear, and Buck

 "Let me just tell you this, I stopped taking pictures"

Patience paid off

Hungry trout

Mouse fishing

Sun Valley in Autumn

A few weekends ago I tagged along with Bucky in Sun Valley 
while he attended an environmental law conference. 
When he was in meetings, I explored local trails and enjoyed the brisk fall weather.
It could not have been more beautiful

 Walking through Aspen groves in the Hemingway Memorial on Saturday morning:

Fishing the Big Wood with Buck Saturday and Sunday afternoon:

 First fall brown we've caught:

Monday, October 8, 2012

Meadow Fishing in October

With morning temps in the 20's, Buck and I have 
been spending more time on the couch and less time outdoors. 
But, this Sunday the weather warmed up and we drove south to explore 
a meadow that boasts of "trophy cutthroats".
Even though we did not come across any of them, 
the quiet space and fall colors made the day memorable.

With blood orange San Pellegrinos packed, we hiked in the meadow 
stripping streamers and watching the cutthroats chase them as they neared the bank. 

The red, orange, and yellow hues made parts of the vegetation look as though they were on fire.

Without the sounds of crickets and hoppers, it was pleasantly quiet and serene. 

As we were leaving, we saw this fellow hunting for dinner as well as a beaver and a herd of elk. 

The October colors reflected in the stream as the sun set and the fish rose to midges.
We are hoping for a few more days like this before winter.