This weekend was more eventful than most as Bucky and I ventured outside of town to ski at a local mountain and take a dip in nearby hot springs. Even though these activities were enjoyable, they lacked the gratification we found in teaching Mimi a new trick.
Step One: "Sit Kitty"

Step 2: Tempt the little pig with a piece of rotisserie chicken from Costco

Step 3: Watch her dance

Mimi is a fickel pup and will only perform this trick when offered delectable incentives. Also, the window of opportunity to witness this performance is slim as she tires very easily and will resort to sniffing the ground looking for scraps or... sniffing inside Otis's ear looking for goodies (sick, we know)

Her symbiotic relationship with him is somewhat sweet, much like the remoras and the sharks. She gives extra attention to his ears and eyes.

He acts embarrassed when he is caught, and she retreats to cave under the coffee table
On Saturday we went to soak in the hot springs in Lava, Idaho. The crowd was similar to one of a water park: unsupervised kids pruned from sitting in the water too long and teenagers with tattoos. Lava Hot Springs has 5 pools that get increasingly warmer as you get closer to the spring source. We started at the furthest pool that was packed with kids and wondered how much their "body heat" affected the temperature. We quickly graduated to the next two pools, eager to get to the hottest one which offered the most space.
One of the warmer pools had a metal bar in it where you could hang and take a break from the heat. After waiting on a 7 year old to finish her turn, Bucky hopped on.

The 113 degree water in the last pool was almost unbearable but because we were only 2 of 8 people in it, we stuck it out... felt like a lobster boil

And to top our hot spring experience, we went to Pebble Creek the next day to ski. The weather was perfect and there were no accidents with any overly eager skiers plowing me down on their way to the bar. (I learned my lesson and stayed behind that unknown skier at all times)

The ski bum

This picture is for Meghan, wearing one of her favorite shirts: the Neil Young with suspenders

And home to the bashful kitty sunbathing on a sunny stair